First Presbyterian Church of Woodbury Heights
First Presbyterian Church of Woodbury Heights
Communion services are observed on eight occasions throughout the year. Special evening services are held during Lent for Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. We hold a Prayer Vigil beginning 9:00 pm on Good Friday and continuing until 6:00 am Easter Sunday, with members and friends taking turns praying and contemplating the events of Easter. The Prayer Vigil is followed by Easter Sunday services. During the Advent season our church is beautifully decorated, and an Advent wreath is lit by a different family each week leading up to Christ's birth. A favorite event in this season is our candlelight service on Christmas Eve.
Christian Education
Sunday School is held during the school year on Sunday mornings before worship services with a group of dedicated volunteer teachers. Rally Day kicks off the Sunday School Program each year. Communicants’ class prepares young people for church membership to strengthen their faith and commitment to God. An adult Bible study is offered each week. Esther Circle (Women's Association) meets on the first Tuesday of each month for Bible study and fellowship and to organize events.
Music Ministry
Two choirs lead us regularly: an Adult choir (weekly) and a Children's choir (monthly during the school year). The handbell choir, formed in 1994, has added dimension to our music ministry. Many of our members share their vocal and instrumental talents to add special music to our worship program.
We offer after-church coffee hours from time to time. There are pot-luck dinners and breakfasts with an abundance of delicious food and a variety of entertainment. Many groups gather for social events: Ladies Luncheons, Prime Timers,...
Helping Others through Mission
The Women’s Association supports local and world missions and meet for Bible study. The Esther Circle volunteers their members’ personal efforts toward working for the good of others. The Women’s Association’s donates to charities. Our church also has many charitable organizations that receive our monetary and/or active support. Our Mission supports organizations such as: Covenant House, Urban Promise, Missionary Cindy Correll, Seeds of Hope, Heifer International, Habitat for Humanity, and many more.
Ordained and installed Elders lead our Session in conducting the business of the church such as finances, worship, mission, care of facilities, etc. The Board of Deacons consists of 12 ordained and installed Deacons who serve the needs and prayers of our members and extended community.
At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic our church closed its doors from March 2020 until November 2020. During the height of the pandemic the Session, Deacons, Esther Circle and other groups met online in Zoom meetings to continue church business. Many talented people stepped forward and figured out how to conduct online services starting the end of March 2020. Singers, readers, musicians, interim pastor’s sermons, and many special effects were recorded and compiled for presentation as YouTube services each week. These were also uploaded to our Facebook page. We currently utilize Facebook Live to share our service.
A Time of Transition
Upon the retirement of our pastor of 34 years, we began the journey toward bringing a new pastor to our congregation. After a long and diligent search by our Pastoral Nominating Committee, we welcomed Rev. Will Cosnett to our church family!
John 3:16
" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life…. "